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Death Of The Retail Bank Contactengine Whitepaper Wp012 WHITEPAPER

Central Bank Digital Currency – Death of the retail bank?

Could a Central Bank Digital Currency be the death of retail banks? Survival tactics for retail banks.

READ 18 min

The Complete Guide to Better Debt Collection


In this e-book, we will look at how societal attitudes and the meaning of debt is changing. We will analyze what recent legislation changes mean for your business and break down the traditional debt collection user journey to reveal how friction can be removed from each step using ethical, proactive conversational AI.

READ 15 min

Three trends in consumer debt – and how to make sure your business stays ahead


As the nature of debt changes, so too must the way businesses respond. We reveal three trends in consumer debt and explain how you can ensure your business stays ahead of them. 

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The Devil's in the Detail: Design Considerations for Wise Interventions


In the final article in our behavioural science crash course we detail the principle behind wise interventions. These are the pillars which support nudges for the public good. Read on to learn how to effectively design your nudges for success and the practical considerations to keep in mind to avoid failure.

READ 7 min

Why your chatbots are making debtors more angry


If your customers are dissatisfied by the AI tools you have implemented, it’s a fault of the application not the technology. Chatbots are great for making happy customers happier but drastically fall down at dealing with more complex problems. Debt collection requires a better, more sophisticated, proactive solution.

READ 4 min

The Gaps Between Acquisition and Onboarding: New Options


In 2023, maintaining, let alone growing, the customer-base means that closing the gap between acquisition and actual onboarding is more important as an organisational core competency than ever before. That ‘leaky bucket’ needs fixing.

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BL172 Cost Of Living Crisis BLOG

Financial Services, Technology and Consumer Duty in the Cost-of-Living Crisis

In 2023, the primary job for Technology in FS is enabling the firm to meet the requirements of the new Consumer Duty. Is your FS firm ready?

READ 7 min

Maintaining and growing trust with AI comms


We are at the stage where AI is human-like enough to assist with elements of customer service and problem solving. For businesses that are investing in their AI capabilities, they need to make sure that everything they are doing is increasing the trust their customers have for them.

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How to use AI as a butler, not a stalker


A step-by-step guide that brands can use to get their customers used to being spoken to by AI and ensure their services remain trusted as they hand over responsibilities from humans to machines.

READ 6 min

2023 Guide: Improve Collections and Customer Service – Strategies for Successfully Reducing Risk and Improving Customer Retention


This practical report focuses on compassionate strategies to mitigate this rise in debt coupled with consumers’ decreased ability to pay. The strategies have new digital possibilities at its core, and is always respectful of both legal and ethical issues within both North America and the United Kingdom.

READ 22 min

Collections: The Case for Collection Treatment Automation with Proactive Conversational AI


This paper explores the collections industry's changing landscape and presents a proven solution for first party collections teams to recover outstanding consumer debt more efficiently whilst delivering better outcomes for consumers.

READ 10 min

Compassionate Collections: How Technology is Shaping the Collections-to-Consumer Relationship


This report outlines the current debt landscape in the US, what impact technology and innovation has on collections agencies and most importantly, how to create an effective, compassionate debt collections strategy for your customers in light of the November 2021 regulations.

READ 10 min

Sustainable AI: A Brief Inquiry


AI Sustainability refers to the overall development, application and implementation of artificial intelligence to achieve globally established sustainable development goals (SDGs). It's a hot topic in AI and understanding and research can help you make prudent decisions in both running models and ensuring the models you use are run in a responsible way, both ecologically and socially. This article covers AI initiatives, development, innovation and how sustainability is an inherent consideration for each.

READ 15 min
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