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Insights: Whitepaper
Without batting an AI: Using technology to ease Covid-19 vaccination scheduling
by Hargo Kalra

Scheduling millions of Covid-19 vaccination appointments is an immediate global imperative, but reaching each individual (twice) is a mammoth task even in 'normal' times. This whitepaper articulates the need for artificial intelligence (AI) - specifically conversational AI - to ease the appointment process, helping aid the global fight to vaccinate everyone quickly and efficiently.

Conversational AI coordinates and manages vaccination appointments quickly, and at huge scale, which enables health departments to focus on delivering vaccines and call centers to focus on helping those who really need it. 

Download Without batting an AI: Using technology to ease Covid-19 vaccination scheduling to learn more about how conversational AI can play a large role in getting everyone safely and quickly back to 'normal'.


  • Introduction
  • Context is king
  • Coordinating appointments for Covid-19 vaccinations
  • The role of AI
  • Proactive engagement
  • Psychological context
  • Conclusion
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