How Leading Communications Service Providers are Reducing th (0)

CSP Reducing Cost To Serve

How Leading Communications Service Providers are Reducing the Cost to Serve Customers with Proactive Communications


7 of the largest CSPs have turned to proactively automating customer journeys to meet their business goals. Learn about the tactics that are making a substantial impact

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BL140 If it quacks like a duck

If it quacks like a duck… the ethical implications of advancements in AI


Hargo Kalra discusses the ethical implications of advancements in AI post Microsoft's recent patent for 'creating a conversational chatbot of a specific person'

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BL139 Re-establishing CX beyond Covid

Re-establishing CX beyond Covid


Covid has changed people’s expectations of the way they interact with each other and with companies, which will only continue to evolve. In this article, we explore what these changes mean for customer journeys, which Covid behaviours may stick and which may turn out to be 2020 anomalies

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WP024 Appointment Scheduling

Proactive engagement: The missing piece in appointment scheduling technology


Though we’ve made incredible advances in technology to date, we’re still too often beholden to the mundane everyday tasks that would be better automated. This whitepaper makes the case for proactive AI in automating the everyday consumer tasks such as appointment scheduling.

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Vonage + CE 1024X630

ContactEngine partners with Vonage to enhance customer experience and international reach


ContactEngine partners with Vonage to streamline the delivery of multi-channel conversations to millions of people across the world

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BL138 Responsible AI

Responsible AI


We have a responsibility to use data ethically to serve our customers for their betterment. Here's how ContactEngine does it. 

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